Capitol Events
NebraskaLand Poster Contest Awards
2nd Floor RotundaThe NebraskaLand Foundation will honor students for their winning posters at the 2024 Nebraska State Fair in the second floor rotunda of the Nebraska State Capitol on Friday February 28, … Continued
Capitol Closed
The Nebraska State Capitol will be closed on Statehood Day March 1 to allow for special statehood day activities.
Youth Art Month Display
First Floor DisplayThe Nebraska Art Teacher's Association will display student art in the first floor rotunda of Capitol from March 3 - 15, 2025.
Celebrate Theatre in Schools
2nd Floor RotundaThe Nebraska Thespians will sponsor a student theatrical performance in the 2nd floor rotunda at noon on Tuesday March 4, followed by a news conference.
Colorectal Cancer Awareness
Capitol GroundsThe Nebraska Cancer Coalition has requested the Capitol be lit blue to promote colorectal cancer awareness on March 7. they will host an event on the West Plaza at 7:00 … Continued
AmeriCorps Nebraska
First Floor DisplayServeNebraska will have a display of AmeriCorps information in the first floor rotunda of the Capitol from March 10 - 14.
Expanded Learning Display
First Floor DisplayBeyond School Bells will have an Expanded Learning Opportunities Innovation Week display to raise awareness of afterschool programming across the state in the first floor rotunda from March 10 - … Continued
Commemorative Signing of the Declaration of Independence
2nd Floor RotundaThe Nebraska Society of the Sons of the American Revolution will begin the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence with a program in … Continued
Nebraska State College Display
First Floor DisplayThe Nebraska State College System will have a display in the first floor rotunda featuring information about Nebraska's four State Colleges.
Youth Art Month Celebration
2nd Floor RotundaThe Nebraska Art Teacher's Association will hold a recognition and awards program in the 2nd floor rotunda on March 15 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.