Monday ‐ Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday ⁄ Holidays: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday: 1 to 5 p.m. Open every day except Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after, … Continued
During the 2018-2025 HVAC Upgrade Project various quadrants of the Capitol will be under construction, offices within the Capitol may be moved outside the Capitol or relocated within the building. … Continued
Limited one and two hour parking is available immediately surrounding the Capitol on the public streets, additional longer term parking may be available in the residential blocks south, east and … Continued
Schedule a Tour Teachers and others wishing to schedule a Capitol Tour for their students should call (402) 471-0448 and speak with a guide. If necessary, please leave a message … Continued
The Office of the Capitol Commission will have Capitol Commemorative Ornaments and T-Shirts available through the Tour Program for pick up at the Capitol or by mail order. OCC is … Continued
the history historic rooms the team who built it