2nd Floor Rotunda – Page 5 – Nebraska State Capitol

Capitol Events

NBEA Capitol Ceremony

2nd Floor Rotunda

The Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects will hold a licensing ceremony in the 2nd floor rotunda of the Capitol on Friday November 3 at 3:00 p.m.

New Probation Officer Swearing-In Ceremony

2nd Floor Rotunda

The Nebraska Administrative Offices of the Courts and Probation will swear in new probation officers in the second floor rotunda at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday October 5, 2023.

New Attorney Swearing-In Ceremony

2nd Floor Rotunda

The Nebraska Supreme Court will swear-in new attorneys who have passed the bar exams in the 2nd floor rotunda  of the Nebraska State Capitol on Thursday September 21, 2023 at … Continued

Festival of Wales Ceremony

2nd Floor Rotunda

The Welsh North American Association will hold their North American Festival of Wales Opening Ceremony in the 2nd floor rotunda of the Nebraska State Capitol on Thursday August 31, 2023 … Continued

Perfect ACT Recognition

2nd Floor Rotunda

Governor Jim Pillen will recognize Nebraska students who received a perfect score on the ACT exams in a second floor rotunda program on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.

NSP Camp 67 Graduation

2nd Floor Rotunda

The Nebraska State Patrol will hold graduation ceremonies for Camp 67 in the 2nd floor rotunda of the Nebraska State Capitol from 10:00 to noon on Friday June 16, 2023.

Cornhusker Girls State Ceremony

2nd Floor Rotunda

The American Legion Auxiliary will hold the annual Girls State Inauguration Ceremony in the 2nd floor rotunda of the Nebraska State Capitol on Thursday June 8, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

DHHS Teammates Appreciation Day

2nd Floor Rotunda

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services will honor service awards winners and annual award winners in a series of program between 10:30 am and 3:00 pm on Monday … Continued

NMEA Capitol Concert Series

2nd Floor Rotunda

The Nebraska Music Educators Association will host a series of noontime concerts in the 2nd floor rotunda from March 20 - 23, 2023. Various musical groups from schools across Nebraska will perform each day at 12:00 and 12:30 p.m.  the public is invited to attend.

Around Town Storytime in the Rotunda

2nd Floor Rotunda

Lincoln City Libraries will host a story time in the Capitol rotunda on Friday June 25, 2023. Library staff will read a story to children in attendance at 10:30 a.m.