March is Youth Art Month at the Nebraska State Capitol. Beginning March 4 the Nebraska Music Education Association will hold a series of free noon time concerts in the 2nd floor rotunda. The public is invited to enjoy Nebraska’s student musicians as they perform choral and band music. Monday, March 4th
12:00 -12:30pm Schuyler Middle School Band
12:30-1:00pm Ravenna High School Choir Tuesday, March 5th
12:00 -12:30pm Gretna Quintet
12:30 -1:00pm Pius X Sotto Voce Wednesday, March 6th
12:00-12:30pm Waverly Jazz Band
12:30-1:00pm Crusader Choral Thursday, March 7th
12:00-12:30pm Scott Middle School Jazz Band
12:30-1:00pm Scott Middle School Women’s Choir The Nebraska Art Teachers Association will have a display of artwork from students across the state in the 1st floor rotunda from March 18 – 30, 2019. On Saturday March 30 the Youth Art Month Celebration will be held in the 2nd floor rotunda of the Capitol at 2:00 p.m.