Events from February 24, 2022 – March 14, 2022 › Capitol Events › – Page 4 – Nebraska State Capitol

Capitol Events

Hebrew Scroll Display

First Floor Display

Ratio Christi and Capitol Studies will display 17th and 19th Century Hebrew Scrolls in the first floor rotunda all day on February 24 and until 2:00 p.m. on Friday February … Continued

State Fair Student Recognition

2nd Floor Rotunda

The NEBRASKAland Foundation will recognize winners of the State Fair educational competitions in the 2nd floor rotunda of the Capitol on Friday February 25, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.

Expanded Learning Week

First Floor Display

Beyond School Bells will have a display to raise awareness of afterschool and summer learning opportunities providing hands on learning to get students excited about the importance of STEM -- science, technology, engineering and math. The week long display will showcase programs from across Nebraska.

Theater in Our Schools Day

The Nebraska Thespians will have a display from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the first floor rotunda of the Nebraska State Capitol on Tuesday March 1, 2022. Students will perform in the 2nd floor rotunda from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m.

Dress in Blue for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Lighting

Capitol Grounds

The tower of the Nebraska State Capitol will be lit blue on Friday March 4 for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Day. The sponsors of the lighting, the Nebraska Cancer Coalition will gather on the West Plaza at 7:00 p.m. for speakers from the medical professions and cancer survivors and conclude with a walk around the Capitol.

AFSP Capitol Display

First Floor Display

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention will have a first floor rotunda display from Monday March 7 - Friday March 11.

Youth Art Month Display

First Floor Display

The Nebraska Art Teachers Association will sponsor Youth Art Month activities in the Capitol beginning on Monday March 14 with the display of student art in the first floor rotunda and concluding on March 26, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. with a program to honor student artists.

Problem Gambling Awareness Display

First Floor Display

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and Creating Family Choices will sponsor a first floor rotunda display to educate to create awareness of problem gambling and provide information on the Gamblers Assistance program from March 14-18.