The Nebraska State Capitol, listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976 is also a Registered National Historic Landmark. Within the Capitol all areas are either Preservation Space or Adaptive Use Space. Preservation Spaces are those areas which possess a high degree of architectural finish and are primarily the ceremonial and public areas of the building, such as: Vestibule, Foyer and Rotunda; the Supreme and Appeals Court Rooms and Consultation Rooms; the East and West Legislative Chambers and Lounges; the Governor’s Suite; the Memorial Chamber; as well as the public corridors, the courtyards and Capitol grounds. Adaptive Use Spaces are those which comprise the remaining space, generally office and meeting or hearing room areas.
The Preservation and Restoration activities within the Capitol emphasize the value of the historic character of the building through sensitive preservation and replication of the original building design and finishes. As well, the Preservation program is very involved in planning and installation of new technology within the building while maintaining great sensitivity toward preserving the original building design and finishes.
To assist in the preservation and restoration, as well as the daily operation, of the Nebraska State Capitol, the Office of the Capitol Commission employs a variety of skilled craftspeople and professionals. The OCC includes preservation architects, an archivist, a mason, a hardware conservator, and furniture conservators. Specially trained maintenance, cabinetry, grounds and custodial staff provide for the daily care and maintenance of the Capitol with an emphasis on preserving the historic character and finishes of the building and its landscape.
Those individuals or groups wishing to contribute to the preservation and restoration of the landmark Nebraska State Capitol and Landscape are encouraged to make tax deductible donations to the Capitol Restoration Fund. The Capitol Restoration Fund is a special state government account which funds restoration programs and projects in the building and on its site. For information or to make a tax-deductible donation, please contact the Administrator of the Office of the Capitol Commission, Nebraska State Capitol, 7th Floor, P.O. Box 94696, Lincoln, NE 68509-4696. Phone (402)471-6691 or fax (402)471-6952.