Call for Ornament Artists

By Roxanne Smith | July 6, 2018

First Lady Susanne Shore is offering a second opportunity for Nebraska artists – professional and emerging – to submit ornament proposals in the shape of Nebraska for the Nebraska State … Continued

Capitol Arbor Day

By Roxanne Smith | April 27, 2018

Arbor Day, April 27, 2018, at 9:30 a.m. the Office of the Capitol Commission hosted dignitaries from the University of Nebraska, the Nebraska Forest Service and the Arbor Day Foundation … Continued

Changing Seasons

By Roxanne Smith | April 24, 2018

Spring 2018 is bringing many changes to the Nebraska State Capitol. We are fairly confident it won’t snow again, so we’ve opened the main north entrance on second floor. This … Continued

School Tour Season Arrives

By Roxanne Smith | March 14, 2018

March brings busloads of fourth graders to Lincoln and the Capitol for their Nebraska History field trip. Students from across Nebraska visit the building hoping to take a tour, meet … Continued

March is Statehood Month

By Roxanne Smith | February 27, 2018

Capitol sculptor Lee Lawrie’s relief sculpture on the northeast corner of the Capitol represents Nebraska, a pioneer woman wearing a bison robe and carrying scepter of corn, presenting the 37th … Continued

Legislative Session Begins

By Roxanne Smith | January 3, 2018

Wednesday January 3, 2018 the Second Session of 105th Legislature convened at 10:00 a.m. For information about the Legislature please go to their website. There you will find the Legislative … Continued

The Lights Are Off For Now

By Roxanne Smith | December 28, 2017

The lights in the Capitol will be off on Monday New Year’s Day because the Capitol will be closed. The lights in the George W. Norris Legislative Chamber are off … Continued

Capitol Holiday Information

By Roxanne Smith | November 15, 2017

With the festive winter holidays approaching, it’s time to think about a visit to the Nebraska State Capitol with family and friends. Weekday tours are offered at 9:00, 10:00, and … Continued

Because They Fall

By Roxanne Smith | October 25, 2017

Words of wisdom from a fourth grade visitor at the Nebraska State Capitol. Asked why autumn is sometimes called fall, a fourth grade student on tour responded “Because that’s when … Continued

Standing Bear Statue Dedication

By Roxanne Smith | October 11, 2017

The Nebraska State Capitol serves as a history book of Nebraska through its artwork and symbolism. No history of Nebraska is complete without mentioning the First Nebraskans. On the exterior … Continued