Memorial Day—Remembering Those Who Fell

The Nebraska State Capitol memorializes those who fell in service of their country. Those wishing to remember the sacrifices of the military will find many tributes during a visit to the Capitol. The Lincoln Monument on the West Side of the Capitol was dedicated in 1912 to commemorate Abraham Lincoln’s 100th birthday. Sculptor Daniel Chester French chose to portray Lincoln at Gettysburg preparing to deliver his most famous Gettysburg Address. On the 14th floor in the Memorial Hall, bronze plaques feature the Gettysburg Address and the original Memorial Day Proclamation of 1868, honoring the sacrifice of human life in the Civil War.  A new Medal of Honor plaque on 14th floor lists Nebraskans who served above and beyond the call of duty. While the Capitol is a monument to those who fell in war, it also holds inspiration for future generations. Lincoln’s words from the Second Inaugural Address circle the Memorial Hall and encourage us to “TO DO ALL WHICH MAY ACHIEVE AND CHERISH A JUST AND LASTING PEACE AMONG OURSELVES AND WITH ALL NATIONS”. The Capitol will be open for tours all weekend and on Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with free public tours on Monday beginning at the north entrance on second floor at 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. and 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.