Nebraska’s Newest Hall of Fame Member to be Inducted

On Friday May 30th at 2:00 p.m. in the Warner Legislative Chamber of the Nebraska State Capitol Alvin Saunders Johnson will be inducted into the Nebraska Hall of Fame. The Nebraska Hall of Fame was established by the Legislature in 1961 to recognize individuals who, in their lives, have achieved prominence and were outstanding Nebraskans. The Nebraska Hall of Fame Commission is the body responsible for the evaluation of candidates and the bestowal of this prestigious honor. Alvin Saunders Johnson (1874-1971) was an innovator in American adult education, the creator of a safe haven for Jewish scholars fleeing Nazism, and author of America’s first anti-discrimination legislation. Saunders was chosen for his contributions as an humanitarian, educator and economist. The bust of Johnson to be unveiled in the Capitol ceremony is being presented to the Hall of Fame Commission by the family and friends of Alvin Saunders and was sculpted by Wesley Wofford. The ceremony is open to the public. The bust will be on display in the Capitol Rotunda prior to being moved into the southwest rotunda gallery where it will join busts of other members.