Happy Arbor Day from the Capitol

While the Capitol is closed on Arbor Day for a planned maintenance power outage, the Office of the Capitol Commission will hold an Arbor Day tree planting ceremony on the west lawn at 9:30 a.m.  Many of the smaller trees on the Capitol’s grounds have been planted in celebration of Arbor Day over the past 20 years.  These new trees are replacements for the original trees planted on the Capitol’s ground in 1934. Many of those trees have died as a result of disease, age and storm damage.  The few remaining large oak trees are the last survivors of that original planting, and they won’t always be here. The Nebraska Forest Service’s ReTree Nebraska program is a reminder that our community forests need attention and replanting. J. Sterling Morton founded Arbor Day in 1872 knowing the value of trees in improving our lives. We all must continually plant trees for future generations.  A tree planters job is never done. On Arbor Day, First Lady Sally Ganem will ceremonially plant a Green Mountain Maple at the Capitol, carrying on a 141 year old Nebraska tradition.  Happy Arbor Day. Plant a tree.