Legislative Public Hearings Begin

Nebraska’s 103rd Legislature First Session has completed bill introduction and begun the public hearing process. Each bill introduced in the first ten days of the Legislative Session is assigned to a committee for a public hearing. The Legislature is on the floor in the morning, and hearings are held in the afternoon usually beginning at 1:30. The hearing schedule is available on the Unicameral website and is updated weekly. Committee hearings will continue until mid-March when the Legislature will begin to meet morning and afternoon.  The 14 standing committees meet in one of the seven hearing rooms located on first (ground) and second floor. The Nebraska Legislature’s website provides citizens with information about the legislative process, testifying at a hearing, and contacting a state senator. The website can be used to search for bills and follow their progress throughout the session.  Nebraska Educational Telecommunications provides live video streaming of the sessions and some public hearings on their website. The Nebraska Legislature and NET make it easy for citizens to participate in the Legislative process. Those coming to the Capitol for a public hearing may find time to take a break and visit the second floor. Tours are available hourly except at noon and begin at the north entrance on second floor.