Past Events from February 26 – March 18 › Capitol Events › – Page 4 – Nebraska State Capitol

Capitol Events

AFSP Capitol Awareness

First Floor Display

The Nebraska Chapter of the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention will have an awareness display in the first floor rotunda of the Capitol from February 26 - March 1, 2024 … Continued

US Citizenship Ceremony

2nd Floor Rotunda

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Omaha Field Office will host a Citizenship Naturalization Ceremony in the second floor rotunda at 9:00 a.m. on Statehood Day March 1, 2024.

NebraskaLAND Poster Contest Awards

2nd Floor Rotunda

The NebraskaLAND Foundation will present awards to Nebraska State Fair poster contest winners at 1:30 p.m. in a second floor rotunda ceremony on March 1, 2024.

Capitol Closed

The Nebraska State Capitol will be closed to the public to allow for special statehood activities.

Expanded Learning Opportunities Week

First Floor Display

Beyond School Bells will display materials in the first floor rotunda of the Capitol highlighting expanded learning opportunities providing Nebraska students with Science, Technology and Math (STEM) Skills from March 4 - 8, 2024.

Theatre in Our Schools Day

First Floor Display

The Nebraska Thespians will host a display in the first floor rotunda of the Capitol on March 5, 2024. Students will perform a brief concert in the second floor rotunda of the Capitol at 12:15 p.m.

“I Love NU” Celebration

First Floor Display

The University of Nebraska System will hold the annual "I Love NU Day" celebration in the first floor of the Capitol from noon to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday March 6. There will be educational materials, voter registration and give aways for those interested in supporting the University System.

Youth Art Month Display

First Floor Display

The Nebraska Art Teachers Association will display examples of student art from schools across Nebraska in the annual Youth Art Month display in the first floor Rotunda of the Capitol from March 10 - 23, 2024.

Nebraska State College Display

First Floor Display

The Nebraska State College System will display banners about the State College System in the first floor rotunda of the Capitol from March 11 - 18, 2024.

Railroad Safety Display

First Floor Display

Nebraska Operation Lifesaver will have a railroad safety display in the first floor rotunda from March 18 - 22, 2024.